(August 2015) Viele Ed Tech-Firmen arbeiten für den großen Markt der Schulen. Investoren in den USA honorieren das. Bereits im Frühjahr wurde dieses Feld übereinstimmend als eine der vielversprechendsten Venture Capitalist-Optionen eingestuft. Nun schalten sich diejenigen ein, die Ruhe in die Diskussion bringen.
Das Clayton Christensen Institute (CCI) - Disruptive Innovation, San Francisco, das neben Gesundheit auch einen Bildungsschwerpunkt hat, kommentiert das neue "Personalized Learning Playbook". Education Elements, ein erfolgreiches Ed Tech-Unternehmen hat das Produkt vorgelegt. Das Buch bezieht sich auf den amerikanischen Oberschulbereich (K-12). Die grundlegenden Ergebnisse zu blended learning Programmen und wie man sie aufbaut sowie betreibt, gilt aber auch für die Hochschullehre.
Disruptive Innovationen ersetzen Lehrer nicht
Das CCI, hinter dem Harvard Business School-Professor Clayten Christensen steht, untersucht disruptive Innovationen. Das sind Ansätze, die etablierte Geschäftsabläufe oder Organistionen radikal ändern. Die Analyse im CCI-Blog ist im Kontext der Marktdynamik wichtig. Denn die Sorge vieler Lehrenden, digitale Formate würden die eigene Präsenz im Unterricht und Seminar infrage stellen, wird entkräftet.
Es heißt: "Within the book, readers will find valuable framing to many of personalized learning’s big-pictures questions such as What is personalized learning?, Why is personalized learning important?, How does technology make personalized learning possible?, and How do you go about designing and implementing a personalized learning program? Importantly, in addressing these questions the book recognizes the central role that technology plays, but makes clear that technology is just a means for realizing the goal of personalized learning. It directs educators and schools leaders to focus not on technology, but on the creation of student learning experiences that engage students and honor their individual needs and interests."
Klar sei aber: Technologie ersetze nicht den Lehrenden in der Schule. Und nicht den Dozenten in der Universität.
CBInsights, New York, bestätigt die US-Investitionen, die im Markt der Education Technologies getägigt wurden. 96 Prozent gingen demzufolge im vergangenen Jahr die Investitionen rauf.
Zu den Halbjahreszahlen 2015 heißt es: "The second quarter of 2015 `set a new high-water market for ed-tech deals and financing,´ with 765 million dollar in funding across 80 deals." Und weiter: "But companies selling their technology primarily to K-12 in the U.S. are not the main contributors to these record-setting numbers. The biggest and most highly valued companies in ed-tech are in `open" platforms´", schreibt Matthew Wong, Analyst bei CBInsights mit dem Schwerpunkt Bildung.
Firmen haben oft nur ein Produkt
Demzufolge seien diese hoch gehandelten Firmen oft nur auf ein Thema ausgerichtet. Sie böten etwa eine zu lernende Sprache an, richteten sich dann aber an alle Altersklassen von Studierden. Ebenso böten viele der Firmen netz-unterstützte Trainings oder Tutorien an.
Der Chronicle of Higher Education kommentiert die Entwicklung der VC-Investments in der akademischen Bildung mit folgenden Worten: "Colleges are becoming more aware of the need to ensure that students are `employment ready´ when they graduate...Other areas drawing attention from private investors include international models in higher education and new uses of technology."
Within the book, readers will find valuable framing to many of personalized learning’s big-pictures questions such as What is personalized learning?, Why is personalized learning important?, How does technology make personalized learning possible?, and How do you go about designing and implementing a personalized learning program? Importantly, in addressing these questions the book recognizes the central role that technology plays, but makes clear that technology is just a means for realizing the goal of personalized learning. It directs educators and schools leaders to focus not on technology, but on the creation of student learning experiences that engage students and honor their individual needs and interests. - See more at:
Within the book, readers will find valuable framing to many of personalized learning’s big-pictures questions such as What is personalized learning?, Why is personalized learning important?, How does technology make personalized learning possible?, and How do you go about designing and implementing a personalized learning program? Importantly, in addressing these questions the book recognizes the central role that technology plays, but makes clear that technology is just a means for realizing the goal of personalized learning. It directs educators and schools leaders to focus not on technology, but on the creation of student learning experiences that engage students and honor their individual needs and interests. - See more at:
Within the book, readers will find valuable framing to many of personalized learning’s big-pictures questions such as What is personalized learning?, Why is personalized learning important?, How does technology make personalized learning possible?, and How do you go about designing and implementing a personalized learning program? Importantly, in addressing these questions the book recognizes the central role that technology plays, but makes clear that technology is just a means for realizing the goal of personalized learning. It directs educators and schools leaders to focus not on technology, but on the creation of student learning experiences that engage students and honor their individual needs and interests. - See more at: